New Year’s Eve was the final barrier

It’s the brink of a new year. This is that wonderful time when we, as individuals and as a whole, get to look back on what we did last year. At the same time, we get to look forward to what we, as individuals and as a whole, want to accomplish in the coming year. We write the varied news letters reporting on 2013 and we make pledges of what we will work on for 2014. I’m sure we can all look back and see that some of our resolutions were met while others fell short. It is hard for me to believe that anyone met all of their goals unless, of course, their goals were simplistic and didn’t present real challenges for growth. I’m equally as incredulous that anyone failed in all of their goals unless said goals were so unrealistic as to be within the realm of science fiction or fantasy in the first place.


As for me, I generally abstain from the traditional ritual of casting new year’s resolutions. Yes, there are things I want to accomplish in the coming new year but for me there are just too many new years in a single year. I make a daily resolution to live tomorrow better, happier and kinder than I did today.


Every day is the first day of a new year. Our birthday is the first day of a new year of our life. Each solstice or equinox is the first day of a new solar cycle. The day a farmer plants his crop for the next season is a new year, a new cycle. Tax day, first day of school, wedding anniversaries, first date anniversaries are all the first day of a new year.


Don’t get me wrong. I think it’s wonderful that we get together and celebrate the turning of another page on the calendar. New Year’s Day is among the few holidays that gets truly global recognition. What better time to stand together at the edge of midnight and rejoice that we have collectively strung together another 365 consecutive days of surviving our daily grind and struggle, as individuals and as a whole?


I just want everyone to remember that every day gives us the chance to begin anew the things we long for, dream of, race toward and embrace. Happy new year, every day, from me to all of you.


Rev. Dave Alverson,

Coyote WalkingTall

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